A Park Place Testimonial: A Caring Rehab Experience
ST. JOHN, Ind.–When looking for a caring rehab experience, Park Place St. John may have just the place.
On the same campus with the retirement living building, Park Place also offers rehab services and long-term care. Marion remembers thinking that it might be convenient to have those services so close by — someday. But that convenience was not a major factor in her decision. Mainly, she loved the apartment, and she loved the community.
Marion loved the caring rehab experience she had at Park Place St. John.
Nearly a month after moving in, Marion ended up in the hospital. She had twisted her knee and aggravated her hip, and continued usage was causing trauma to the ligaments and muscles. A series of tests, a change in medications, and some bedrest helped resolve the immediate issues, and Marion was discharged to therapy for continued progress.
“The therapy here is outstanding,” Marion nods. “The therapists here, they know what they’re doing. You can tell.” She describes some of the exercises her Occupational Therapist and Physical Therapist put her through, and the measurements they record to verify that she is making progress. “It’s very mathematical,” she says. “They really know what they’re doing.”
As much as Marion appreciates the care she’s receiving at the Rehab Center, she looks forward to returning to her new apartment across the way. “I was excited about being on my own and being part of a community. I’m grateful that they have the rehab here. And now I’m eager to go back home.”
For more information on a caring rehab experience in a community setting with qualified professionals, visit Park Place St. John at www.providencelifeservices.com/communities/parkplacestjohn.